Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I’m Always Excited When…

I’m always excited when my new edition of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News shows up. This is the periodical that keeps me at least efforting to maintain an awareness of the leading edge of discovery, translational medicine, bioprocessing and biobusiness. If you do not receive it yet sign up for your free subscription (here).

How excited was I when I found not one, not two but three references to Colorado companies in the June edition! They are:

  • ARCA Discovery in Ben Conway’s commentary on Biopharma Sector Leadership in Transition
  • Dharmacon (Thermo Fischer Scientific) in Catherine Shaffer’s piece on miRNA Becoming a Research Priority
  • BlueSun in Gail Dutton’s article on Celluosic Biofuels Abound with Promise
I know…I have to get out more…