Monday, August 27, 2007

Colorado Café Scientifique: Sept. Mtg.

Based on the French Café the Colorado Café Scientifique, people (often science buffs) come together in a friendly pub after work and hear an informal introduction to an interesting current scientific topic led by an expert. We take a short break for refreshments, to meet new people, and chat, and then we return for questions and answers and general discussion.

The next Café will be on Tuesday 25 September 6:30PM @ the Wynkoop brewery in LoDo and will be featuring Michael Browning, Ph.D., professor of neuroscience in the department of Pharmacology at UCDHSC as well as founder and President of PhosphoSolutions. Dr. Browning will be leading a discussion on – Aging, Alcohol, Memory and Molecules -. Should be particularly interesting given the setting! Hope to see you there.

Also if you happen to be an online social networking kinda person be certain to join the Colorado Café Scientifique group on Facebook, friend me and I’ll friend you back!