Wednesday, March 12, 2008

7th Annual Bard Bioscience Business Plan Competition

Get those bio biz plans submitted ASAP to the 7th Annual Bard Center Business Plan Competition. The Bard competition accepts plans from students, alumni, and faculty from ALL higher education institutions and graduate programs in Colorado. So let’s see Ft. Collins and Colorado Springs get into the mix! The goals of the competition are to promote the development of high caliber business plans, recognize the most outstanding plans with cash and in-kind awards from area businesses, and encourage the creation of new bio businesses.

Click (here) for more information
Click (here) for the application

1 May 4:00pm Biz plans are due at the Bard Center

29 May 5:00pm Finalist notifications distributed

11 June 8:30AM Presentations followed by the awards luncheon

***NOTE*** Take a look at the new Boulder Biotech Company Tree (HERE)!
***NOTE*** Read the new eBook CLSDF 2007 - What's In A Year? (HERE)!

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