Monday, May 28, 2007

Colorado Bio Relative to US Biotech Market

Slicing and dicing some of the data contained in the Ernst and Young 2006 Beyond Borders Biotech report reveals how Colorado is faring as a snapshot relative to the total U.S. Biotech Market:

U.S. Total Public CO's 336
Colorado Public CO's 6
U.S. Total Market Cap $ 392,400,000,000
Colorado Market Cap $ 1,850,000,000
U.S. Total Revenue $ 55,500,000,000
Colorado Revenue $ 195,000,000
U.S. Total R&D $ 22,900,000,000
Colorado R&D $ 195,000,000
U.S Total Net Loss $ 3,500,000,000
Colorado Net Loss $ 121,000,000

So Colorado comprises approximately 1.79% of all publicly traded biotechs though only accounts for 0.47% of total market cap and 0.35% of total revenue. In a similar vein (is that the proper use of vein?) total R&D costs are 0.85% of the industry total where net loss is 3.46%.

I will utilize this data set as a baseline for CLSDF regional analysis. Without a doubt these are exciting times for the life sciences in Colorado but do not take my word for it...the 2007 May edition of Site Selection magazine has named Denver as the number 5 city for US Life Science R&D Locations, and where R&D exist innovation and market cap are to follow.