Thursday, February 21, 2008

Attend the AECD Investors Forum

Come join us at the Adam’s County Economic Development Investors Forum next Thursday 28 February 11:00am to 1:00pm for lunch and to listen to Jim Chrisman of Forest City Fitzsimons talk about the master development plan for the Colorado Science + Technology Park @ Fitzsimons.

It promises to be a fascinating 2 hours. If you have not seen the master development plans you will certainly be amazed, impressed and inspired by what is queued up and even already underway. The Colorado Science + Technology Park @ Fitzsimons is destined to become a precious jewel in Colorado’s crown.

Be certain to RSVP (it is required) to attend this free event or call 303.450.5106 and tell them you saw the invite on CLSDF. Where: The Ramada Plaza & Convention Center I-25 & 120th Ave (in Northglenn).

***NOTE*** Take a look at the new Boulder Biotech Company Tree (HERE)!
***NOTE*** Read the new eBook CLSDF 2007 - What's In A Year? (HERE)!

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