Tuesday, February 19, 2008

CUTTO: Biomedical Venture 2006-2007 Summary

Be certain to take a look at the most recent communication from CU Tech Transfer Office; the 2006-2007 Biomedical Venture and Commercialization Summary, only 4-pages long yet chock full ‘o rather impressive data and correlated information. It is just a fantastic accumulating track record of successful University biomedical spin-out start-up fund raising and commercialization efforts combined with a equally striking and growing portfolio of exclusive and non-exclusive license and option agreements. This data not only speaks incredibly highly of the work by David Allen and the entire CUTTO team but most importantly of the quality and sophistication of the intellectual capital at CU and the resultant intellectual property that is being generated.

Download summary (here).

***NOTE*** Take a look at the new Boulder Biotech Company Tree (HERE)!
***NOTE*** Read the new eBook CLSDF 2007 - What's In A Year? (HERE)!

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