Friday, March 21, 2008

ARCA Discovery: Moving on Up…

…To a deluxe apartment, wait, make that a deluxe new office in the sky. ARCA Discovery is currently headquartered in LoDo, the labs however at last check remain at the Colorado Science + Technology Park @ Fitzsimons and, I would venture to guess shall remain there as plans are finalized to make the move north up the I-36 corridor to 15,000 new sq ft of luxurious office space at 8001 Arista Place adjacent to the new Broomfield Event Center.

The new headquarters will place ARCA just a stones throw from Allos Therapeutics (NASDAQ: ALTH) and Gilead (NASDAQ: GILD) to their south and Replidyne (NASDAQ: RDYN) and GlobeImmune to their north. Welcome to the I-36 Bio Corridor.

*NOTE* Feel the power of the Colorado BioScience Association (HERE)!
*NOTE* Take a look at the new Boulder Biotech Company Tree (HERE)!
*NOTE* Read the new eBook CLSDF 2007 - What's In A Year? (HERE)!

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